Friday, March 28, 2014

five on friday


Weeks like this week make me wish teeth didn't exist. Reuben's got his top molars popping through and his bottom molars AND top eye teeth are next. All four gum spots are super swollen and red. It's awful. And why does it just have to be so bad at night? Why can't he be a complete grump during the day and then sleep like an angel at night? Instead he's happy as can be during the day and an angry monster at bedtime. Bedsharing was attempted last night out of desperation, but he was kicked out by 10:30. Nobody was happy and at least we were both semi-ok separate. He does look so dang cute asleep though!


My husband surprised me this week by buying me a silhouette portrait! I've had my eye on one of these for over a year, but could never justify buying one. It's on sale (HALF OFF, Y'ALL!!!) and now that we're moving and I won't be working full time, I'll have a ton more time to mess around with it. The possibilities are endless. My creative juices are already flowing!

consignment sales

I went to my second consignment sale ever and totally scored this week! I got a Combi Cosmo stroller and two pairs of shoes for Reuben for only $27!!! We desperately needed all three items. The only stroller we have is the one that came with our travel system. We love it and it's been great on all day trips, but it's like driving a boat. It's huge. So this is perfect for trips to the zoo or the mall--places where we don't need a day's worth of stuff with us. Plus, the shoes are perfect for little man who's been zooming all over the place now. He loves them!


I was messing around during lunch the other day and made this from a photo I took of Reuben. It's far from perfect, but I absolutely love it. The little baby mullet and double chin... be still my heart!

dada's home!

Clint's been gone since last Friday and BOY have we missed him! "Dada" has been coming out of Reuben's mouth more than ever. The boy loves his dada. It was so sweet to see him reunited this morning when they got back to the church. Mama is happy to have him back too! It made me a little nervous about us being separated while he works in Knoxville, but I'm trusting God's got it under control and our house will sell exactly as soon as it needs to!


*This post contains affiliate links. But I really do use and love them all :) Go here to read my full disclosure and privacy policy.


  1. Happy Friday! Hooray for the new Silhouette!! How thoughtful of your hubby - and how GREAT that it was 1/2 price!! Sounds like you scored lots of great deals this week!! Yay :) Hope your lit'l man (and you!) get better sleep soon! Darn teeth ;)


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