Seriously, I never have time to blog. Like, ever. But I'm bound and determined to get at least the next 6 months of little man's life documented SOMEHOW because Lord knows I'm not keeping up with his actual baby book!
Weight: Almost 17 lbs! Baby boy is finally chunking up! Especially in his thighs still. He looks a little like a baby sumo wrestler in this next pictures because of the way his thighs fall over his diaper.
Health: Thankfully, Reuben's been totally healthy this month! He's started going to the nursery at church, so I'm extra thankful for his continued health after passing around all those chewed-up toys!
Sleep: Still co-sleeping. It's just what works. Boy is NOT a fan of bottles and barely eats while I work. It's slowly getting better, but he still wakes up 2-3 times a night to eat to make up for the missing calories during the day. There's no way I could function if I was still getting up and walking into his room every time he woke up to eat. As he gets bigger and adds more solids to his diet, I'll feel more comfortable getting him to sleep longer without eating, but for now I'm enjoying the baby cuddles!
Social: Reuben went to his very first wedding this month. Somehow I totally didn't take a single picture. He had to be taken out a few times because he was just SO excited about Philip getting married, but overall, he did really well! Like I said earlier, he's started going to the nursery on Sundays while I serve in there. It's so cute to watch him watch the other babies and start trying to get their attention. It's like he realizes they're like him and gets really pumped about it!
Diet: 99.9% breastmilk. I've started giving him solids here and there when I think about it. He started eating some oatmeal when he's with my mom since he hates bottles so much. He's tried blueberries, yellow squash, sweet potatoes, and a couple different sorts of bread. He's not a huge fan of purees, but it's cute to see him try them. I love watching him shove food in his mouth with his itty bitty fists!
Clothes: All. Over. The. Place. The kid wore 0-3 month pants on Thursday (way too short, but fit in the waist) and 6-9 month pants today. I stick him in what fits and just go with it.
Baby Gear Love: Hmm... I don't know if this should be considered baby gear or not, but Reuben can finally sit in a grocery cart! I had to do a ton of shopping, he had just had a nap, and I REALLY didn't feel like strapping him in the Ergo. I tried to put him in the little baby seat attached to the carts (with a blanket and disinfecting wipes all over it because those things look nas-tay!) but he just tried to sit up in it so that wasn't working. I almost walked back out to my car for the Ergo, but figured I'd just try the cart seat... lo and behold...
Crying: Just when he's sleepy. Or if I take to long to get ready to feed him after we get home from work. He whines a little bit now when he wants to sit or stand up, but it's not full blown crying. He's a really laid back baby.
Likes: Just about everything! Seriously. He's the most alert little guy ever. Always looking around and taking stuff in. He really, really, really likes his dad right now. He gets so happy when he sees him walk into a room! I LOVE it!
Milestones: He's a master at sitting up. He loves it. He'll pull himself up to standing while he holds onto fingers, too!
He still doesn't show any interest in crawling, and I'm in no way rushing him because I enjoy an immobile baby, but he can hold himself up now!
His first tooth came in! He was a mess for a couple days but it finally poked all the way through. I'm thinking the second one isn't far behind. He can't get enough of his chilled teethers.
Annnnd his little personality is SO. DARN. CUTE!
You are looking less and less like an itty bitty baby and more and more like a little boy. You've got the best personality-full of joy and smiles! You give the best cuddles and your dad and I are soaking them up. Your life is flying by me and I know all too soon you're going to be too interested in other things to have as much time to just snuggle and play with us. And that's ok. It's normal.
I realized the other day what a great responsibility you are--not in a burdensome way. God has given you to us as a great blessing and we're responsible for raising you in a godly home and always, always, always pointing you towards Him.
I wouldn't trade you for the whole world, little man. I love you more than you'll ever know!